Monday, December 6, 2010

It's nice to be back. I'm working as a physio receptionist in Glebe (the commute is almost painful), which is such a lovely suburb and full of all sorts of people and those artsy looking cafes. We put on the radio at work, and it plays the same songs over and over and I get stressed about what I have to wear every day (pyjamas, I wish), but it's great to have a steady job (assuming I don't get myself fired for messing up too much, which is more or less what I feel like I'm doing most of the time) and knowing that I can spend my own money.

It's always very cringe-worthy to look back on old diary entries and blog posts. I feel embarrassed about feeling how I felt and then pouring it all out into emo adolescent whinges. But I think I'll keep blogging (occasionally), just so that I can read in retrospect and laugh at myself.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm a bit of a mess at the moment.

Let me explain. I was gathering my stuff to head to the gym yesterday afternoon, only to realise that my iPod was missing. It had been more or less twenty-four hours since I'd last used it, and because I was in such a rush on Monday evening, I hadn't noticed that it wasn't with me. I remember pulling it out of my pocket at the gym to turn it off and wind the headphones around so they wouldn't get tangled, but that's it. I'd dropped my locker key on the floor as well, and had to go back upstairs to the gym room to get it but don't recall seeing my fat, rather noticeable iPod on the ground with it.

I'm sounding rather rational at the moment, but I was in tears all yesterday evening and I honestly could not feel worse - yes, it is replaceable, and while all the music and videos I had on it aren't on my iTunes (new computer before I left), they are too...but it is pretty much all my fault and there is nothing I can do about it. I'm still feeling pretty crap.

My host sister, when I mentioned it to her, was pretty negative about it - she says that if people have the opportunity to take something, they will. I don't know what's worse: seeing someone drop something valuable and taking it on purpose or stealing it out of their bag (I don't know which happened and suspect it to be the former, but it really could have been either).

It's a lot of money. And important to me, because it motivated me in the gym and the reason I was there in the first place was so that I could start losing weight.

It's a lose-lose situation.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

just before i go to bed...

I love my new church. It made my day. (Except the five days of the week are pretty bad.)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

School started up again today, and while I guess I'm glad I have something to do with my time (other than cook and get fat and then complain about it to whoever is around), it's just tiring and not all that fun.

I had hoped that we would be finishing at 12.30pm this year, but I'm afraid I was misinformed, or probably misheard (more likely). This would have meant that I would get home by 1pm and still be able to Skype home. It turns out that we do have fewer classes but they go until 2.30pm, Monday-Wednesday. On Thursdays, we go home to have lunch at 1.30 and come back for two more periods in the afternoon (but hopefully I will wiggle my way out of that), and Friday we finish at 1.30. So at least I can see mum once or twice during the week. It was nice to be able to kind of hang out and talk about recipes and other useless stuff, though. JYC (the exchange company here in Spain) discourage us from talking to people back home, but I've found that keeping in touch gives me more comfort than not knowing what's going on. I feel less lonely, even if it means I'm not getting into the whole being Spanish thing.

I guess Spain isn't really for me. I think this has impeded my ability and willingness to learn Spanish (but I would still nominate laziness as the main culprit), which is of course a huge disappointment. I probably won't get over that for awhile and will be complaining about it (at least to myself) for months to come. I still think that the country is a great holiday destination and that there are wonderful things to see and do here. But, as Simon (side note: I joined a church, and Simon is from Northern Ireland and is very nice, as is everyone else at church and I am really enjoying going despite having taken so long to get off my butt and find one) said, if you're a foreigner here, it's so hard to integrate properly. I think it's part of the culture, and perhaps they are unwilling to be completely open because they are so proud of who they are. This is only a hypothesis and I'm unsure what I'm trying to get at here, but this aspect of Spain is one I find both interesting and sad.

So yeah! I joined a church. It's called Oasis Madrid, and is an international English-speaking community. Six of us went for a hike on Saturday, and while I feared a bit for my knees on the mostly-way-down, I really enjoyed getting out and doing something I don't usually get to. They do a sandwich route for homeless people on Saturdays too, so this week I might go do that.

Counting down the weeks until I get on that plane (December the 2nd). There is so much I want to do when I get home.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I got back from my fabulous European holiday just a few days ago, and I already miss my Uncle Trevor and Aunty Sue. Seeing them and being able to live and travel with them was such great fun, but touching base with home has left me homesick. I wake up feeling blue and can't distract myself by keeping busy when it's so hot and there's no one to do things with. I've spoken to my parents and friends a lot since, to help, and have ultimately decided to come home early. In time for Christmas, I hope. (Unless I suddenly end up not feeling homesick and decide to stay.)

It was really lovely to see Alexia and the Pretis, even though we didn't do much besides hanging around at home and being lazy because it was so hot. I told them I would like to see them again in January, but I hadn't counted on an early return home. Nevertheless, I might visit again next year as I hope to go with mum and dad (and maybe Ed if she wants) to Europe.

The highlight of my holiday was definitely Poland. There were so many small moments and a lot of shared laughter and when I get home I need to steal Aunty Sue's travel diary so I can keep those memories. (I've never been good at keeping records.

One notable comparison between Poland and Spain is the way men treat young women. I got a lot of curious and interested looks or even stares from many people, women and men alike, but particularly the younger guys, but they were mostly polite (or flirtatious, but I just ignored those). It was obvious that many of the Poles we encountered on our trip hadn't seen an Asian before, but on the whole they were still respectful about it. In Spain, however, I can't go out without receiving a seedy sounding comment from creepy old men or even younger ones (and there are many Asians here). Their attitude really disgusts me and puts me off stepping outside the house. It's become much more noticeable since I've come back, and I'm sad to say that it's hard to ignore and gets to me quite a bit. Hola, guapa, is fairly common, even for older women, but lately the comments have gotten worse (I was out with Anna Szabo, who had come to visit, and a group of guys noticed us conversing in English, and decided to come out with 'hey girls, like your arse', or something to that effect) and the lewd, 'appreciative' stares are in no way welcome. I accept that it is partly due to culture and the general attitude of Spaniards, but it doesn't mean that I like it.

Anyway, that's only one of the reasons I'm beginning to be unhappy here. I also dislike the uncleanliness and dirtiness of being in Madrid - for example, my host family don't wash their hands after going to the toilet, and the dog tends to do her business around the house (unpleasant surprises in the middle of the night), and as they are always busy working (not something I fault them at all), the place is never clean. Dog hair keeps appearing in my room despite my keeping the door shut and wiping the surfaces in my room often; dirt and dust sneak in somehow. I hate smelling like smoke, and because of my bad allergies, it hurts my eyes after being exposed to it for seconds. I'm lonely. Although I easily make acquaintances and friends with my classmates, because of both an age and language barrier, I have no one to really talk to and share with. And now that it's summer, I don't see them on a day-to-day basis.

All of this must sound awful and like I'm a complete snob (and I probably am, a bit), but it's not like I'm not all right with tolerating it. I would simply prefer otherwise, and need a bit of an outlet - and I'm just not sure how much longer I want to put up with not being totally happy here.

What I'm ultimately getting at is that while my exchange here in Spain has definitely not come out like the perfect overseas experience that I'd planned in my head, I've learned all these unexpected lessons from being here and, now, wanting to go home.

I remember telling James a little while before I left, probably while I was still deciding whether or not I truly wanted to go on exchange, that I wasn't sure where my roots were; that I didn't know where I belonged. I didn't feel like I really fit at home; that perhaps I should go elsewhere to find where I did. I've realised, from constant messages from people I care about, that I am loved and wanted, and home is where I have everyone that loves me. I see how much I love our lifestyle in Sydney, and appreciate all my home comforts.

I recognise that I always make high expectations of myself, and that most of the time, things don't turn out as I want them to. I can accept that even if I don't reach them, I can still keep working towards them. Even if I go home early and can't speak Spanish fluently as I'd planned, I can take lessons and improve. I've forgotten my French. Before, this horrified me. But when I visited Alexia, it wasn't too bad. She'd forgotten her English. If we didn't know something, we tried it in Spanish or went to look it up and asked about it. And I can revise and relearn more French when I go home, too. I didn't get into Physiotherapy. I can do the Masters course. I don't know if some of you know how hard all this would have been for me to acknowledge, before. My main problem now (and this I am completely sure of), is to work hard and not be lazy when I come back. This vice I have yet to overcome.

Decision making is still hard, but I think I'm getting better. Acceptance comes easier. I am a little more secure in myself (this one is sometimes the most difficult, and depends on the day). My mum says she notices good changes in me as well (what were they again, mum?). Sometimes having your parents tell you that they've seen improvements is the best news you can hear.

When I left, I hadn't thought all these were lessons I had yet to learn. I don't care that I'm not having the time of my life, as other exchange students (or even people at home) have said I should be. Yes, if I finish my exchange early, I might have regrets. (The three I can think of would be about the language, not experiencing Christmas Spanish-style, and not being able to travel in Europe again as I'd planned.) The first I can probably deal with, and the third might be rectified: I want to come with my parents next summer, or maybe do a uni exchange...well, we'll see.

I love you all so much.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

And here are just a couple of photos from a little while ago. I went out to dinner with some girls in my class (and some other ones too) for Paula's birthday.

Paula, the birthday girl, and Lara, who is my French class buddy. We pretty much sit there while I work and grumble about the teacher, who is hopeless.

This is Ana. She has the loveliest hair. :P

And this is Angy, who is one of the few people in my class who does Biology.

This is Gus (pronounced 'Goohs', if you want to be Castilian-Spanish-accurate). He's pretty cool. Not sure how long he's going to survive, though.

Today is the fiesta de Corpus Christi, which means I got to sleep in and have lunch at the bar. They were serving cangrejos de rio (crayfish, but in more Australian terms, a yabby), but one had escaped and was hanging around on the kitchen floor. I think everyone reckons I'm a bit weird because I insisted on bringing him home (even though Manuel-the-brother and Manuel-the-cousin were the ones who named him - apparently it's short for Gustav).

You haven't really heard from me much lately. This is mostly because I'm still going to school, getting home, going to the pool some days and classes on others and getting to bed by 10pm (otherwise I get super tired the next day), or because when I get to my computer, I either have nothing to say or too much and am too lazy to be bothered trying to get it all out. I'll probably regret this later when I want to look back and remember some of the fun things that went on here in Spain, know me.

In June, classes are shorter so we get to go home sooner (too hot, is the reason: at 6pm it's still 32 degrees and it's not properly dark until a little bit after I go to bed, how sad). I'm liking this, but then I remember that there's so little time left in the school year. I'm a bit disappointed that come September I'll have different people in my class. I love sitting next to Lola and across the aisle from Sergio and laughing at stupid things and making fun of the boring lessons. I think I'll be asking if I can be in Lola's class when we start again in a few months.

Tuesday (the first) was also Manu's 16th birthday. I baked the Sarah Elix coronary-giving mud cake of awesome, which turned out not super but still decent. (Baking endeavours to date: 3. Plans include: good-luck cupcakes and/or cookies for exams and pavlova for Raquel's birthday.)

I've done a couple of touristy things in the past week - I went to see the Monet exhibition at the Thyssen and saw the permanent collection as well. It's a private art collection owned by the Baron and Baroness Thyssen-somethingorother and there are about seventy rooms. I stayed about six or seven hours in the end, because I couldn't very well pay to get in and not visit every one, but after the first floor I got quite tired and stopped looking for any deep arty meaning etc. in order to get through the whole place. I also stopped by the Caixa Forum, which has this cool statue of an elephant standing on its trunk and a vertical garden growing up a wall. There were these veggie animals that I thought my mum in particular would appreciate a photo of:

Summer is kind of fab in that I get three months of holidays. I'm planning to see Alexia for a bit, and travel with my Uncle Trev and Aunty Sue in Germany and Poland, but need to get permission first from JYC, my host exchange company. Fingers crossed.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Okay, so the thing is that I would LOVE to tell you all about what I did in Semana Santa and what I've done since, but there's just not enough time in the day. My host mum took over a bar on Sunday and it's pretty fun helping out there, but now I have school and Spanish classes and working there and I try to go for a run at least once a week and for a swim at least twice and I have a billion emails to reply to and things to plan (summer!!!!) and my GOSH what do I do?!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

written a few weeks ago in biology

Something I have learned while away is that sometimes you need others to be able to figure out what kind of person you are.

I decided to go on exchange on a bit of a whim, to be honest; it's one of those few things I've had a crazy idea about and actually followed through with (Rob, you'll know what I'm talking about). I've learned all these things about myself that everyone has probably told me at some point but I never realised for myself - that I am so blessed: I am well educated, lucky, intelligent and well-liked; that I have too many shoes. How world-like the world is, how life has routine and that sometimes it's good that way; that distance makes family feel closer. I still haven't learned to do things straight away (but might be getting better).

It's easy to make people happy (sort of).

some petty statistics about spain

Times I have cleaned the toilet: 5
Number of items of clothing I have dropped onto the outdoor-indoor terrace of the old lady downstairs whilst hanging up the laundry: 4 (pegs: 3)
Visible injuries sustained from inanimate objects (ground included): 9
Injuries sustained from animals: 2 (scratches and other, less-harmful bites do not count)
Approximate length of my room (in metres): 4.5
Times I have been approached and/or touched inappropriately: 2
Things Canela will not eat: 0
Phone calls made/taken/answered in Spanish: 2
Days spent away from Australia as of today: 79
Blog entries avoided: 4

Monday, April 19, 2010


Don't worry, it's okay. And yes, there are going to be some entries coming up about Semana Santa/Barcelona, other things, and...what I'm up to?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

In Barcelona for a few days - accidentally bumped into Steph Laird of Miss Turnbull´s Mathematics for the Distracted without previous plans - we knew the other was (does that even make grammatical sense? Or should I try `each other were´?) in the city, but hadn´t arranged anything. Will hopefully give you a nice long post when I get home, before I go back to school (ugh). I have photos! And met up with the other exchange people last weekend! Actually, there´s a lot to tell...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

OhgoshIamsoboring. I think it's practically illegal to want to stay in on the weekends and cut the fat off your meat and gobble fruit and veg like a crazy person (and then go and secretly buy more). I just want to bum around at home, cut my fingernails, de-lint my coat and clean my desk. I don't like being social - it's too exhausting.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Started school a week ago and it's quite tiring - I get up every day at 6.30am and luckily I've gotten off going back for the afternoon on Mondays and Thursdays, because they finish at 5.30 then and on Tuesdays as well, but I go to my Spanish Class for Stupid Foreigners instead. On Wednesdays I finish at 2.30 and 1.30 on Fridays (best day of the week). I like Spanish school better than French school because the teachers are nicer here, but I guess there's no place like home (once an Abbotsleigh girl, always an Abbotsleigh girl?)

I went out last Saturday night with Raquel, Alberto and his friends because it was Paris' (Alberto's high school friend) birthday. We only left home at about 10pm, met Alberto and work, went back home to get my passport because I'd forgotten it and then had dinner at Alberto's. The party started at maybe midnight or so, and then we went out into the city only to get back at 5am in the morning. Mad, these Spanish people.

Speaking is getting a little easier, and every day (I hope) I say maybe a few words more than the day before. I've been thinking of taking an Alliance Francaise course in order to keep up my French because I'm terrified of forgetting it all and French class here isn't quite what I expected (the teacher's accent is awful and I can hardly understand what she's saying).

On Wednesday afternoon I went into the city to the JYC office, because we needed to renew our student visas. Laura, Bianca, Rachael, Pascale and I had such a great time together! I sort of wish we were closer together so that we could do things more often, but I suppose if that was the case it would be a lot harder to learn Spanish. I thought I hadn't been doing that well because I still can't talk to people but everyone was impressed so maybe I'm not as bad as I thought. We all miss veggies and fruit and get annoyed with how much oil there is in everything and miss how life in Australia works. (I miss bare feet, just hanging and chilling with friends I know - it seems parties are the thing here, and they happen every weekend and parties aren't really my sort of cup of tea - and having more than one bathroom.) I am liking it here in Spain though, I get on well with my family and I sort of enjoy the routine: seeing the same people in the street or at the station; watching Pasapalabra with Angelenes in the evening and peeling potatoes or saying hello to the doorman when he's there (I have no idea how his hours work).

The Chinese people here run the fruit shops and the two-dollar shop equivalents (called el Chino for that very reason), and the lady in the one near home got all excited when she met me and I explained in my rather limited Mandarin that I couldn't actually speak Mandarin but was from Australia and that my parents were from Hong Kong (okay, more or less). She ran off to tell her son and it was all quite amusing. People seem so excited to see a smile here, which surprises me. The males tend to be a bit creepy, though - everyone kept staring at Laura and I on Wednesday while we were waiting for her train back to Tudela to arrive, and some people walked past only to turn right back around to get another look. The most unnerving are the old men who kind of ogle you.

We went on this excursion yesterday to Almagro, in the south, to watch a play (as far as I can tell it was Don Juan). The trip up and down took half the day (about three hours one way), which I reckon is also a bit mad, and the play was in what is apparently the only corral de comedias left in Spain. It was absolutely freezing and I think I would have enjoyed it a lot if I hadn't been sitting there getting frostbite. The people in the town were really, really lovely, like the lady in the lolly shop and the guy in the bar where I got my lunch, and the place was very pretty. I sort of forgot my camera, though, which is a shame, but I have a couple of photos on my phone.

I have a sort of group of friends I'd like to settle with at school. They seem quite nice and not the super-party-party type, which I prefer. One of the girls catches the same bus as me but speaks at a million miles an hour - I told her that by the time I left I'd understand her. Another one of the girls in the group is in my class as well and she sent me a message today, which was really lovely of her (her name is Sandra and she has fluffy hair and plays the guitar). Her cousin (who reminds me of you, Elodie, but smaller) and another girl are in another class, but we stand in a group outside at recess and are cold together which is better than the other groups I've sat or walked with and been awkward in for half an hour. Today we changed seats and I'm sitting next to Lola now but I think I'll miss Ana and the boy who sat in front of me whose name I might remember but don't want to get wrong. It would be so much easier to be less awkward at school if I could say things, but for now I'll just keep smiling and making silly faces. And try to get more sleep.

Friday, February 26, 2010

School on Wednesday! I went to meet the principal a couple of days ago and there was a bit of a semi-heated discussion about whether their Years 11 and 12 co-ordinator-equivalent was willing to let me study there (I think). Anyway, I'm a bit worried because Emerito (the head of the exchange company) was all, 'Victoria's so nice and clever and she will be brilliant!' so I guess I've got to be a super student now. (For the record, he drives pretty crazily and is quite animated.)

Their school system is like the one in France, where you pick an elective 'area' and do all the subjects in that area. I'll be doing all the compulsory subjects (PE, Philosophy, Religion, Spanish, English, Citizenship and something like current affairs/history/HSIE) as well as Physics and Chemistry, Biology and Geography (no idea why they're grouped like that), Maths and French.

I've made some friends in my Spanish Classes for Stupid Foreigners, and yesterday after the lesson four of us went to the bar and had a complicated conversation. One of the guys, Javid, is a Muslim, and he was trying to explain to Veselin (I think he's from Romania) something about politics and religion and wow that was a bit heavy for limited Spanish.

Anyway. Today I was planning on going to buy some school supplies after lunch. The other day I went shopping on Calle Fuencarral but it was raining and I thought, gosh, I miss shopping centres. I bought a lovely blue-grey wool cape for super discounted price and I thought about getting a pair of gumboots (it rains a lot, actually, and the weather is somewhat temperamental) but haven't gotten any.

Carnela is getting better. She still sheds like crazy, though. How do you get dog hair out of one's clothes?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I seem to have this strange habit of getting sick and bringing up the contents of my stomach when I travel. First it was food poisoning (or so I believe) in England in 2006, more what-I-think-was-food-poisoning in Paris in 2007/08, and now some virus in Madrid, 2010.

You probably don't want to know the details, but all my lunch came up, I blocked the sink and slept about twenty hours. Now I have an excuse to do nothing at home! Life is good. But it did snow yesterday. Very pretty.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Just one last addendum: Angelenes keeps calling me Gloria. It's pretty amusing. Alberto calls me Vicky, which in Spanish sounds like 'Bicky'.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I forgot to mention that it's snowing in Spain! Raquel said at dinner that it's supposed to snow here in Madrid at the end of the week.
I didn't tell you about the other day, when my host dad (Manolo) and I went for a walk with the dog in the afternoon and he had some business or other to do and said I could keep walking wherever and then take Carnela home. She almost got run over. I nearly died. I wouldn't know how to say, 'Sorry, I just killed your dog about thirty seconds after you left because she refused to let me hold her leash and then she ran off onto the road; please don't hurt me".

Yesterday we went grocery shopping and my host mum, Angelenes, tried to get me to buy all this stuff I didn't need (or want), and tonight we had a great time just chatting and laughing and stuff - I'm getting on quite well with all my host siblings, Adrian, Raquel and Manuel (who wears his pants halfway down his butt and makes me laugh with his English and the funny things he does). I don't, however, want this to be a bit of a premature statement to make and have things fall apart two weeks down the track.

One more mishap, too: this evening, after enrolling at some school I'm going to go to on Mondays and Thursdays for language classes, my host dad left me in front of the school because he needed to go to work and as I headed home, I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. I didn't take a turn I was supposed to and had a slight panic when I found myself stuck in a grid of streets with no idea which direction was which, no money and no mobile (though I did have a dictionary). It turned out all right when I backtracked and actually looked where I was going, so no harm done. Unfortunately, I still have no school to attend, for some reason; we did have a chat to Manuel's school this arvo but I didn't quite understand the reason for me not being able to go there. So I suppose that means that tomorrow I will wash more dishes, do more laundry and play Restaurant City on Facebook (yeah, I know) and maybe venture out to buy some shoes. Maybe I'll mop the floor.

I've also got a couple of pictures for you: one is of Alberto (I think that's his name, but I could be wrong), Raquel's boyfriend, helping Manolo fix the front door last night (he told me to delete it, but I didn't, obviously), and the view from my window (sans the usual pigeon flock).

Adrian said we might go to the movies tomorrow, and Angelenes said when she's got some free time we'll go to the supermercado together and buy stuff so I can cook Chinese for them (though I think their idea of Chinese is a bit unChinese-y). Mum, help!

just a few photos.

The girls (and boy) inbound for Spain.

This is Joseph. He has a Spanish surname that I can't spell and he is...pretending to be a gangster. I am...being scared.

Ciann, this is for you.

See that corner stack? Those are cherries. I feel sorry for the person who had to stack them all. And now I really want cherries.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

There's this ad on tv in Spain that is practically exactly the same as the O'Brien windscreen crack one (but in Spanish, of course, and with a different company). It's eerie. They even do that weird flicky thing to the glass. I've also been watching the Simpsons in Spanish, which is an interesting experience.

Anyway, so I did my laundry today. I have discovered a good way to get things dry within a day by using the heater and a number of props - fingers crossed that my jeans dry in time for tomorrow. Which, incidentally, is the day I go up to the school for a bit of a chat and figure out what I'm doing, because it's been rather holiday like so far - mostly bumming around at home or venturing out to buy things (next on my list: boots and maybe a handbag). Is five pairs of socks for about $11 AU (that's seven euros; I really need to figure out how to make that sign with my keyboard) expensive??

A special note for Ed: you would love eating here. We have chips or some fried potato variation at every meal (excluding breakfast).

Monday, February 8, 2010

Hello! So today would be Monday, which I would have thought meant going to school, but I'm not sure I've been enrolled or if I'm going or...really, I have no idea at all. There might have been some serious miscommunication with the exchange company? I don't know. But everyone seems to have woken up quite late, and setting my alarm for 7.20am in order to get to school by 8-something might have been a bit futile.